Location is key when it comes to finding a house church. You can search for one closest to your home and click on the link to join for directions.
Daniel Bufe, HC Pastor
Wed. @ 6pm
Kyle Warden, HC Pastor
Sun. @ 4pm
Travis Boes, HC Pastor
Wed. @ 6pm
Throughout the New Testament, we read about local churches meeting collectively in large setting (i.e. Temple, Solomon’s Porch) and in homes throughout their respective communities (Acts 2:42-47; 5:42, Romans 16:3-5; 1 Corinthians 16:19, Colossians 4:15, Philemon 1:2). Therefore, we believe we can be most effective at loving, serving, and discipling one another by being one church of many house churches.
This is a group of people, ideally around 12-15, who gather regularly in homes doing life together, studying the Bible, fellowshipping, sharing meals, meeting benevolence needs, caring for one another, and praying for and with each other. (Acts 2:42-47). The people who gather in homes are generally diverse, but they do have location and a desire to learn about Jesus in common. House churches are overseen by a house church pastor (Titus 1:5). House churches are open and welcoming to everyone, they are cross-generational, open to multiplication, and open to children.
Our house churches are led by a house church pastor. This is a man with a gift and desire to pastor people. He also has a passion to teach them about Jesus through His word. Each house church is semi-autonomous and under the oversight of the house church pastor. The house church pastor is overseen by the leadership council of Fairview Church.
You should experience hospitality, an open door that welcomes you and your family, uplifting fellowship and prayer, and the study of God’s word. While each house church is semi-autonomous, you can typically expect a breakdown similar to this; 30min of fellowship (usually with a meal), 45-60min of discussion of Scripture, and 30min of prayer.
Absolutely. However, since each house church is semi-autonomous, they each have the autonomy to care for children as they deem most safe for their situation. The only requirement is that children are safely cared for under our house church childcare policy. Click here to review this policy.